How to find a thief
How to find sister in bath
How to date Sarah
Pls help
Game is good
But i would like to have more tips to know how to progress.
Ps can we have more bg music pls
For finding the sister in the bath, you have to look in the bathroom on "Wednesday's" at the "Evening."
To date Sarah you have to talked to her in the park, which you can do by going to the park on the "Week end's" at "Evening." Next, you bring the Automaton ("your robot") to her. That's it!
I have a question how can i leave Sarah house and other Mike café candy and school and etc. because theres no doors that we can leave on android version because i cant done the game because of this error fix this fast thank you
Im not really sure about the disbanding, cus the party members are kinda still there (you can check this by visiting the bathroom after taking Sarah with yoh)
When the new version of the game comes out and its tutorial guide I would like to play more of this beautiful story since I passed it 100% and I would like to see new scenes and see how it continues
I completed almost all the game with the exception of monika and my sister, I have been attacked by the engineer’s robot and still I don’t have the lincence to go to the library to get the book by myself because the spike doesn’t want to sell it to me. Could someone help me?
The game is good and I liked it a lot, I hope you continue to update it.
By the way, in Library you can find a lot of porn books. If you give the hottest books to Olivia in the treehouse during holidays, you will receive sex scene on the next day (or next time you meet her in the treehouse)
Bugreport: I use free 0.1.1 APK version on my Redmi6 and I don't have any icons of character's following me. I can't get rid of character I asked to follow me until I have sex with anyone or sleep by immidiet TP to my room. I afraid I can't complete Sarah's story since I can't invite her to park.
Interesting moment: when thought this game is dead (I'm grateful I was wrong) I downloaded pirate cracked version of 0.1.1 and this bug was abscent, I completed that version without any problems
+ I'd like to see UI size in settings or at least bigger buttons (It's a real challange to talk with Olivia)
PLEASE, don't stop! I realy like your game! I really want to see how the story ends! Please! Enjoy your work and let us enjoy your results! Thank you, AngryFur!
The art of this game is very well done, the story is good, I loved the characters, and besides, it doesn't lag. The only thing I didn't like was knowing that Valerie was the protagonist's sister, and she's a minor.
So you can romance the sister, but it also says she is 16 right? Either this is more messed up than the shit I normally play, or I am bad at reading. Never have I wished I was bad at reading before. If I'm misunderstanding something please tell me.
but 16 is the legal age to have intercourse, at least in my country so to me although incest is a bit weird, the other stuff is normal to it's best extent.
I am stuck on the sisters quest. When I ask the librarian about the Dating your Sister book, she tells me its in section 3. I've looked everywhere and cant find it
Looks like this vn has gone subscribestar/patreon only, so it looks like there won't be any more public releases.
I guess the public release was only ever meant/intended as a demo/teaser to check/generate interest and create incentive to pay actual money for future updates.
Hi , i hope you are well , i have been playing the game since it came out on And I've never had a problem with (bug), I can't wait for any future updates, this game has so much potential. Ps: I wish you the best in life for you and for your game
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How to find a thief How to find sister in bath How to date Sarah Pls help Thx Game is good But i would like to have more tips to know how to progress. Ps can we have more bg music pls
For finding the sister in the bath, you have to look in the bathroom on "Wednesday's" at the "Evening."
To date Sarah you have to talked to her in the park, which you can do by going to the park on the "Week end's" at "Evening." Next, you bring the Automaton ("your robot") to her. That's it!
Finally!!! (God DAMN this post is like 2 months old)
when is the next version update? It's super good and was just curious
Is the version available on subscribestar updated to the version here?
How do i get the date with Monika, because when it's Weekend and i try to Go on her home the sister is already there.
<span class="cL2Fbduo0vg3HYIPk3YA" <the <="" span=""></span>I'm part of that force that always wants to sleep and always gets up early.
Ich bin Teil der Kraft, immer schlafen zu wollen und immer früh aufzustehen.
Je fais partie de cette force qui veut toujours dormir et se lève toujours tôt.
Я часть той силы, что вечно хочет спать и вечно встает рано.
How can i obtain sandwich because on Monikas side quest i can give IT to her but i dont know where to obtain sandwich? Please help with that
In the school bathroom hole
I have a question how can i leave Sarah house and other Mike café candy and school and etc. because theres no doors that we can leave on android version because i cant done the game because of this error fix this fast thank you
Click on the map by the stats bar!
i keep getting soft lock on monika quest and sister quest
Hay, anyone has the name or maybe the file of the old ambient music?
I just finished the game without a tutorial
It took hours only because I didn't know that if you click the bed in the top left corner it disbands party's
and I borrowed every book from the library because I was too stupid to take off screws
Im not really sure about the disbanding, cus the party members are kinda still there (you can check this by visiting the bathroom after taking Sarah with yoh)
I completed almost all the game with the exception of monika and my sister, I have been attacked by the engineer’s robot and still I don’t have the lincence to go to the library to get the book by myself because the spike doesn’t want to sell it to me. Could someone help me?
The game is good and I liked it a lot, I hope you continue to update it.
Do you possibly need to bring sarah with you to get into things?-she does have a license
Thank you very much :3
Yeah, you need to bring Sarah with you.
By the way, in Library you can find a lot of porn books. If you give the hottest books to Olivia in the treehouse during holidays, you will receive sex scene on the next day (or next time you meet her in the treehouse)
Since I saw the guide and it said you would get a license I didn’t think sarah had one, thank you very much :3
Bugreport: I use free 0.1.1 APK version on my Redmi6 and I don't have any icons of character's following me. I can't get rid of character I asked to follow me until I have sex with anyone or sleep by immidiet TP to my room. I afraid I can't complete Sarah's story since I can't invite her to park.
Interesting moment: when thought this game is dead (I'm grateful I was wrong) I downloaded pirate cracked version of 0.1.1 and this bug was abscent, I completed that version without any problems
+ I'd like to see UI size in settings or at least bigger buttons (It's a real challange to talk with Olivia)
PLEASE, don't stop! I realy like your game! I really want to see how the story ends! Please! Enjoy your work and let us enjoy your results! Thank you, AngryFur!
Okay, I've found Sarah. But yet I can't get rid of characters I accidentally called with me
When will the new version of the video game be public?
i can't read the hints:{
ask sister then she will say its in the bathroom
The art of this game is very well done, the story is good, I loved the characters, and besides, it doesn't lag. The only thing I didn't like was knowing that Valerie was the protagonist's sister, and she's a minor.
Agreed. It makes any sexual interactions with her... problematic.
How do you unlock both scenes with karls mom ive been trying everything and nothing seems to work
if you dont have any wine when you go on the date with her, then you lose your chance and you must reload an earlier save
I'm on mobile version, and I can't access the park, is it even accessible in the current version for mobile?
It is!-click on the trees in the bottom right, the one right against the school and gate that goes over the gate will allow you to enter!
When is the next update
eu amor essa jogo
I love this game
I couldn't get the blueprints i tried everything it just wouldn't give me them
You need money and to go to the library and ask for a book, then take sarah to the library workshop and work(I think that's how it goes)
How do I find the thief?
Hi if you search up "Automaton Story V1.1 guide" it should pop up with the website being slmething about word--It should help you
Thanks for the help fam :)
Idk if the update is now but as it updated 2 days Ago im kinda interested in see what changed
You can see the changelog on the official website
how do i ask karl about the book
look up the walkthrough on the official website.
When is the next update
as i understand sister route isnt finished yet?
so how do i upgrade the robot and it wont let me talk about the book im stuck XD
So you can romance the sister, but it also says she is 16 right? Either this is more messed up than the shit I normally play, or I am bad at reading. Never have I wished I was bad at reading before. If I'm misunderstanding something please tell me.
but 16 is the legal age to have intercourse, at least in my country so to me although incest is a bit weird, the other stuff is normal to it's best extent.
I hope this gets updated, i love the music and the story line from all the characters
When will this game be updated?
I liked the game, but have some bugs like, I'm goin look the Karl house at the night and the Bug Log appears when I enter in the diner.
usually at night a pop up says its to late now for me im on my android too, so idk how you entered karls house at night cause it never let me lol 😅.
I am stuck on the sisters quest. When I ask the librarian about the Dating your Sister book, she tells me its in section 3. I've looked everywhere and cant find it
как выполнить задание с сестрой: «найти и дать ей новую дверь»?
this game has so many jojos references and i love it
Looks like this vn has gone subscribestar/patreon only, so it looks like there won't be any more public releases.
I guess the public release was only ever meant/intended as a demo/teaser to check/generate interest and create incentive to pay actual money for future updates.
0.1.0 was behind the paywall while the last version was out. Maybe be patient?
Hi , i hope you are well , i have been playing the game since it came out on And I've never had a problem with (bug), I can't wait for any future updates, this game has so much potential. Ps: I wish you the best in life for you and for your game
Ps:sorry for my english, i'm bad in english
struggling to get the sister to level 5, any advice? im stuck at 4
Follow the books instructions it will tell you everything